67 Castlemaine Street Milton
QLD 4064 Australia
Technical Presentation
Implication of Urban Baseflow on Stormwater Management
A common characteristic of urban catchments within highly seasonal climatic regions, is the presence of a constant base flow within stormwater pipes and open drains. There can be multiple sources of this dry season flow however, natural groundwater seepage and excess irrigation within the catchment are key contributors. Our observations across Darwin and Townsville suggest that urban base flow is a significant risk which can lead to the failure of vegetated systems (in particular bioretention basins) due to over-saturation of soils and surface ponding. The goal of this investigation is to broaden our understanding of urban catchments in seasonal climates by deeply exploring what we observe and using this information to inform stormwater management responses.
Dylan Cain is a Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland with extensive experience in the areas of Urban and Environmental Civil Engineering. Positive outcomes are important to Dylan, and he has provided an outstanding level of service to a wide range of clients from masterplan phase through to detailed design and project supervision. He has a particularly strong base of technical design ability, to integrate innovative Water Sensitive Urban Design within Standardised Civil Engineering Documentation. Dylan is also very interested in emerging trends and technology and is a participant in the CRC for Water Sensitive Cities.
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