In 2015 Stormwater Queensland are offering two (2) student scholarships, each to the value of $5,000.
Each scholarship will include:
• Free of charge registration fees to the 2015 Stormwater Queensland State Conference to be held
from the 15th – 17th July, 2015 in Toowoomba.
• Free of charge registration fees to all Stormwater Queensland Technical Events for the period of
1st July, 2015 to 30th June, 2016. These Technical Events will assist recipients to further
develop their knowledge and professional capacity in the Stormwater industry.
All students who meet the requirements of Stormwater Queensland’s FREE Student Membership will be eligible to submit an application for the Stormwater Queensland Scholarships. For further information visit the Stormwater Queensland website at
Applications will open on Monday, 2nd February and close Friday 3rd April 2015, with the winner to be decided at the following May 2015 Stormwater Queensland Committee Meeting.
The Scholarship can be used to cover costs of attending training or professional development activity and reasonable associated travel costs (limited to accommodation, taxis to and from airport and flights). The scholarship will fund professional development to the value of $5000 and will include:
• Registration to the Stormwater Queensland State Conference to be held in Toowoomba from the 15th
July to the 17th July, 2015. (Mandatory attendance) A portion of the scholarship may be used
for accommodation and travel. Note: Travel costs will be assessed on a case by case basis.
• Registration to any Technical Events conducted by Stormwater Queensland in the 2015 – 2016
financial year (minimum of 2 events).
• Registration to other training events relevant to the stormwater Industry.
These funds will not be paid directly to the student. Funds will be held by the Association and any invoices applicable to professional development for the duration of the scholarship are to be submitted to the Association Secretariat for payment.
Should the Scholarship recipient wish to attend a professional development activity convened by an organisation other than Stormwater Queensland, an application in writing to the Chair of the Membership Sub Committee, Stormwater Queensland must be submitted detailing the nature of the professional development activity, the convening organisation and the costs involved. Once approval has been granted, invoices for the professional development are to be submitted to the Association Secretariat for payment.
The funds will be available for period specified and any unused funds will be ‘forfeited’ thus retained by Stormwater Queensland.
Students must meet the requirements of Stormwater Queensland’s FREE Student Membership criteria to be eligible to apply. The application for the scholarships will require the student to submit a CV, and respond to three (3) short answer questions. Please find the Application Form at the end of this document.
Students will also be required to promote and advocate the benefits of Stormwater Queensland and the FREE Student Membership and if the opportunity arises, assist Stormwater Queensland in organising any student focused events during the period of the scholarship.
Successful applicants will be required to meet with two members of the SQ Committee upon being awarded the scholarship so they are aware of the requirements and expectations of the scholarship and to assist with short course opportunities and planning of the 12 month Scholarship. At the completion of the 12 month scholarship they will also need to report back to the committee on the outcomes and benefits of the scholarship. Ideally, the scholarship recipient will present at either a 2016 technical event or SQ Conference to briefly speak on their experience of the scholarship and how it helped them futher their career aspirations.
Suggested Organisations for Potential Training
Please find below a list of organisations who provide professional development activities for practitioners specialising in urban water management:
• Healthy Waterways (including Water By Design)
• Stormwater Queensland
• eWater
• Engineers Australia
• CRC for Water Sensitive Cities
Suggested Potential Events and Conferences
• Stormwater Queensland State Conference
• Stormwater Australia Conference
• Stormwater Queensland Technical Events
• AWA or Engineers Australia Conferences and Events
• CRC for Water Sensitive Cities Conference
To download the application form for the 2015 Stormwater Queensland Scholarship, please click here
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