First of all, I’d like offer my gratitude to Peter Worth and his committee for carrying our organisation through the pandemic.  Dialling into the frequent online webinars has been invaluable to maintain currency of knowledge and to see the familiar faces of the stormwater industry while working from home.  I’ve also been very happy to see the StormCast newsletter take flight!  Expanding this to a joint QLD-NSW newsletter adds a lot of interesting content and knowledge.

In taking on the role of President, my motto is ‘future focussed’.

With so much attention on the vital issue of climate change, stormwater has a big role to play.  We are already contributing to climate adaptation and mitigation through our every day work but let’s look to how we can share these lessons with other disciplines; let’s promote our role in sustainability and help our stakeholders build a more resilient world.

I would also like to ensure the longevity of the organisation through development and support for future generations of stormwater leaders.  I feel like one of the last members of the ‘old guard’ to become president of Stormwater Queensland. A successful term for me will mean getting voted out in a future election by an eager, ready replacement!  I will focus on inclusion, recognition and support for the future generations of stormwater professionals wherever possible.

Finally, I am keen to see Stormwater Queensland expand its profile to be the premier organisation for ALL things stormwater. This means expanding our reach and diversity to educate and advocate for all elements of stormwater management.  Water quality treatment is an important part but let’s make sure we’re capturing the conveyance infrastructure (‘drainage’ is not a sexy word…) people too!

We’re all on the same team to support the stormwater industry.  Here’s to a collaborative, inspiring, educational two years!

– Katie Fletcher