145 Ann St
Brisbane City QLD 4000
There are some fantastic examples from the UK and other parts of the world that use a naturalistic approach to floodplain management. The question is, however, can these types of techniques be practically applied in SEQ? Given that the local climate and other components are vastly different to these areas, will these approaches be feasible and if so to what degree and how would they be best used?
Recent discussions within some organisations have pinned hopes on naturalistic floodplain management as “the answer” to several common issues, which makes it well worth considering. However, there are unresolved issues regarding the importance of revegetation weighed against the potential for increased flood levels upstream (and potential decreased flood levels downstream) also the quantification measurement and modelling of such approaches, climate, storage, practicality as well as the cost of implementation.
Key items that will be discussed include:
- Applying Natural Floodplain Management Techniques in Queensland. What is the likelihood for success?
- Lessons learned from the UK on Natural Floodplain Management. Application of natural techniques should as floodplain reengagement, revegetation, infiltration and temporary storage through leaky weirs etc.
- Discussion surrounding the future Bremer River Catchment Study and the opportunities for integrated water approaches
- Application of revegetation etc in Bremer/Lockyer systems and possible implications for the regional area.
- The power of using flood mitigation as a mechanism to get other benefits (water quality, bank stabilisation, more trees in the ground)
- Hurdles such as property resumptions, increasing flooding upstream whilst benefiting downstream property, lack of legislation power to enable greater community good and working with landowners on useable land.
- Previous case studies and a quick look at what Ipswich is looking at for a natural floodplain management pilot project
Stormwater Queensland is hosting a lunchtime presentation to facilitate a transfer of ideas and assist in understanding a natural floodplain management approach.
Phil Smith (Waterways Health Officer) and Adam Berry (Floodplain Management Engineer) from Ipswich City Council will be co-presenting and will provide time at the end for discussion/questions and answers.
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