July 29, 2021 @ 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm

Trees growing to maturity in streets and civic spaces are commonly the primary objective of urban forest strategies, with stormwater management also a requirement. These trees provide a range of high value ecosystem services, including cooling, shading and enhanced aesthetics.

Understanding the tree requirements for healthy growth is essential – particularly regarding availability of soil-based resources of water, nutrients, oxygen and suitable soil root development conditions.

In this webinar, Geoff Connellan provides an overview of approaches to passive irrigation to contribute to tree canopy targets in streets and civic spaces, and learnings from passive irrigation installations.

Topics covered include tree water demand estimation, tree water use results, system design considerations (e.g., catchment properties, inlet design, site storage, soil volume sizing and water distribution), the limitations of passive irrigation, opportunities for active irrigation and the circumstances that support structured soil systems. Reporting of stormwater system tree performance is reviewed.

This free webinar will include a short (20-minute) presentation by Geoff, followed by Q&A from attendees.