515 Saint Pauls Terrace
Fortitude Valley QLD 4006
The ASCE Australia Section will be holding a Master Class in Brisbane on the Principles of Streambank Analysis and application of the Bank Stability and Toe-Erosion Model (BSTEM). It will be presented by Dr Andrew Simon.
The master class will be held in the Cardno Training Room, Level 11, Green Square North Tower, 515 St Pauls Terrace, Fortitude Valley on Monday 25 May 2015.
Please click here for the attached flyer that describes the Master Class Program.
Dr Andrew Simon is a geomorphologist with 30 years of experience in mechanistic analysis of unstable-channel systems, streambank erosion, cohesive-sediment entrainment, the role of riparian vegetation, “reference” sediment-transport rates, and river restoration, working on projects throughout the United States, in Queensland, NSW, New Zealand and elsewhere around the globe.
He has advised that the mathematics is cursory and is used to understand the processes. The master class works for non-engineers as well. He has received excellent reviews from managers, biologists and landscape architects alike.
It is open to all who would like to attend the Master Class
Registrations are open until Thursday 21 May 2015. Don’t miss your opportunity to attend. To Register click here.
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