33 Caxton St
Brisbane QLD 4000
- Dr Andrew O’Neill, Healthy Waterways
- Elissa McConaghy, Moreton Bay Regional Council
- Josie Raftery, Toowoomba Regional Council
- Kym Whiteoack, RMCG
- Tony Costantini, Planfuture (representing Port of Brisbane)
The Forum will be facilitated by Belinda Chapman from Working Wheel.
Speaker Biographies:
biogeochemistry of constructed wetlands treating acid mine drainage, Andrew conducted research into the disposal of high level nuclear waste in deep rock aquifers in Sweden, degraded river and lake systems in Indonesia, Canada and the USA and natural wetlands and hot springs in Yellowstone and Kamchatka. Andrew has been responsible for the design and delivery of high profile integrated water policy and water sensitive urban design projects in both the public and private realm, and supports uptake of sustainable urban water management with both Australian and international professionals and students.
Elissa McConaghy is a Senior Strategic Planner at Moreton Bay Regional Council with over 10 years’ experience in strategic land use and infrastructure planning. Elissa graduated from Griffith University with a Bachelor of Environment Planning in 2003 and has experience in the fields of development assessment, park and open space planning and design, planning scheme and policy development and infrastructure network planning and charging. Elissa currently manages Moreton Bay Regional Council’s strategic water program covering total water cycle management, floodplain management, and coastal management.
She is passionate about the future, understanding the bigger picture and planning based on good evidence. Her approach to planning is aims to build communities by breaking down silos and finding better ways to communicate expertise.
In her current role, Josie is focussed on the planning and design of public infrastructure for multiple uses to deliver efficiency and better urban design. This includes her focus on the integration of stormwater management with public open space considering the range of values and expectations placed on Toowoomba’s local creeks.

Kym Whiteoak is a Senior Economist with RMCG with expertise in the economic assessment of water quality offsets and the cost-effectiveness of water quality improvement actions. Kym is currently assisting a Victorian water business design, assess and implement a water quality offset, and has assisted many councils and water businesses compare the cost-effectiveness of different stormwater management options as part of integrated water management plans.
Emma O’Neill is the Coordinator (Integrated Water Management) at Ipswich City Council.
Emma has a background in environmental management and planning and in 2015 completed the International Water Centre’s Water Leadership Program as a recipient of the Healthy Waterways Erosion and Sediment Control Leadership scholarship.
Recently Emma project managed (in conjunction with consultants BMTWBM) the development of a robust and transparent framework to guide the use of funds collected under Council’s stormwater quality offsets scheme.
Prior to her role at ICC Emma worked in the Hawke’s Bay in New Zealand dealing with complex water management challenges including assessment of impacts of oil exploration on receiving environments, review of urban stormwater management programs, and highly contentious water allocation projects.
Sally Boer, Stormwater Queensland
This forum will provide the opportunity to develop a common appreciation of associated issues, complexities and future planned activities.
- To improve understanding of innovative pathways for stormwater quality management including but not limited to offsets.
- To improve understanding of current and future planned activities to innovate pathways for stormwater quality management including by not limited to offsets.
- To augment the development of the Stormwater Queensland position statement on innovative pathways for stormwater quality management including but not limited to offsets.
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