Lower River Terrace
Kangaroo Point QLD 4169
On behalf of Stormwater Queensland and the International Erosion Control Association Australasia, we are pleased to announce that registration is now available for the ‘Local Governments Role in Managing Erosion and Sediment Control’ Seminar to be held on Thursday, 14th April, 2016 from 1.30 pm to 5.00 pm at Riverlife Brisbane.
Seminar Focus
The implementation and management of erosion and sediment controls on Queensland urban development construction sites has been historically poor with studies undertaken by Healthy Waterways indicating up to 95% of sites are not compliant. Local governments can play a vital role in the management of erosion and sediment control from the development application process through to regulation on the ground. Although there is improvement by some local governments, in general the approach is very ‘hands off’ resulting in poor site management and water quality outcomes.
In contrast many Council’s in New Zealand including Auckland Regional Council adopt a very different ‘hands on’ approach with no cost to Council. This forum will include a panel session, discussion and a presentation from Michael Parsonson from Southern Skies Environmental who has been involved with erosion and sediment control policy in Auckland. The discussions will provide insight into alternative strategies that could be adopted by local governments to provide a greater level of protection to waterways.
Registrations for this Seminar is now closed.
Seminar Panelists
Michael has over 18 years environmental management experience, gained from geotechnical consultancy, consents and compliance, project management and team management roles at the Auckland Regional Council, and as a director of SouthernSkies Environmental Limited. Michael’s experience covers the assessment and preparation of permits and approvals under regional and district plans, policy and plan development, expert witness services, site auditing, development of best practice guidelines for practitioners, peer reviewing, and construction environmental training. This breadth of experience in regulatory, technical, planning, political interface, team management and programme management roles assists in the delivery of all his projects. Michael is also a certified and experienced independent hearings commissioner.
Leon is an Engineer with 16 years experience in the fields of urban stormwater management, water sensitive urban design, erosion and sediment control and floodplain management. Leon started his own business in 2014 and has provided ESC auditing for major clients including developments by Stockland and LendLease as well as providing policy and auditing advice for Local and State Government. Prior to this Leon ran the ESC compliance program for Sunshine Coast Council and played a key part in the Council achieving the Ministers Grand Prize at the Healthy Waterways Awards in 2009. Leon is an acknowledged expert in the field of integrated water management, having held a position on the Scientific Expert Panel of Healthy Waterways and being an acknowledged contributor to a number of key industry guidelines on the topic.
Kel has been working as an environmental professional for over fifteen years with ten years’ experience in the construction industry. During this time he has been involved on both the Client and Contractor side of the fence on a large number of construction projects ranging from electrical substations to high pressure gas pipelines and large-scale dams. Kel has spent the last 5 years working in the CSG industry primarily as the Corporate Environmental Advisor for Soil and Erosion at one of the major CSG companies. As the start of 2016, Kel started work with Ipswich City Council as their specialist for everything related to erosion and sediment control. The main goal for the role is to improve the level of compliance on construction projects in the area through a combination of education and enforcement.
Terry is a Principal Environmental Engineer with over 13 years direct experience in the area of soil and water management. His professional experience includes ESC, stormwater management, contaminated land, acid sulfate soil investigations, project management and delivery of specialist training. Terry is currently employed as ESC Technical Services Manager for O2 and has previously held roles within both private industry and Local Government. This experience has provided him with a comprehensive understanding of the entire development process from the initial project conception, design and construction phases and subsequent final delivery. Terry has gained a high level appreciation of the challenges, constraints and impacts associated with application, monitoring, training and compliance with ESC requirements for both clients and contractors.
During his time with O2, Terry has specialised in erosion and sediment control, and has been responsible for the planning, design, supervision, auditing and management of ESC aspects on some of Queensland’s largest infrastructure projects. Terry holds the internationally recognized qualifications of Certified Practitioner in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC) and Certified Professional Soil Scientist (CPSS). In addition, Terry is a Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland (RPEQ).
Terry regularly presents a range of ESC training courses in accordance with IECA (2008) and has trained over 1,000 people in QLD, NSW, NT and TAS. He has been invited by Griffith University to sessional lecture Engineering Design and has previously presented ESC training at Sydney TAFE.
Mr Mark Gibson is an experienced engineer with over 20 years’ experience in local government and private industry. He is a specialist in stormwater quality and quantity management, erosion and sediment control, waterway health enhancement and water policy and planning. Mark has completed a Bachelor of Civil Engineering and a Graduate Diploma in Integrated Water Management. He is a Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland and a Member of Engineers Australia and Stormwater Queensland. Mark has most recently been involved in reviewing and updating the Brisbane City Council’s hazard assessments, standards and requirements for Erosion and Sediment Control plans and programs. Mark has worked as a Principal Engineer in with Brisbane City Council for the past four years as well as being the Director of MRG Water Consulting Pty Ltd. Mark has extensive industry knowledge of the design and use of Erosion and Sediment Control measures for residential and industrial construction sites.
Coops Drainage and Civil has been operating in South East Queensland for the past 30 years with projects ranging from problematic drainage solutions to large scale subdivisions and inter-regional infrastructure.
Coops Drainage and Civil has experience in the construction of full subdivision projects, storm water drainage, large pump stations, trunk sewer reticulation and trunk water reticulation projects. This experience includes bulk earthworks, detailed earthworks, road works and pavement, vacuum sewer, recycled water, structural concrete, box culverts, and pipeline testing with NATA Accreditation.
To download a map of Riverlife and suggested transport options, please click below:
If you would like to continue in the discussion on Local Government’s Role in Managing ESC and further explore the reasons behind poor compliance of ESC in urban development in Qld, IECA are hosting drinks and BBQ after the seminar at Riverlife. You will also have the opportunity for further discussions with Michael Parsonson from New Zealand in regards to alternative policy and regulation strategies. To register your attendance at this event, please click on the following link http://www.austieca.com.au/events/event/lets-talk-dirt
If you have any questions relating to this Seminar, please do not hesitate to contact Lilly Barker at GEMS Event Management on +61 2 9744 5252 or via email lbarker@gemspl.com.au.
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